lördag 2 juni 2012

It's Time to Ring Out Those Bells and Start Receiving

Idag inleds firandet av att Storbritanniens drottning Elisabeth suttit 60 år på tronen.  I morgon kommer det att bli en ceremoni på Themsen genom London. 8 stora klockor har placerats på en pråm som en "flytande klockstapel" och efter den följer uppåt 1000 båtar i en procession. Klockorna kommer att ringa på pråmen och kyrkorna i land kommer att svara när pråmen passerar. Runtom i landet kommer åtminstone 2000 kyrkor att ringa i sina kyrkklockor. Se mer här     

När jag läste nedanstående text om att det är dags att börja ringa i klockorna och börja ta emot, så kom jag att tänka på översteprästens kläder så som de beskrivs i GT. På hans mantel fanns bjällror av guld. När han var inne i det allra heligaste kunde därför folket utanför höra att han levde eftersom det pinglade när han rörde sig.Se 2 Mos 28:31ff. Så man skulle kunna säga att ljudet från bjällrorna blir ett tecken på liv.

Men nu har Kristus kommit som vår överstepräst, som det står i Hebr 9:11ff. Han som ÄR vägen, sanningen och livet självt. Vi behöver inga ställföreträdande offer av mänskliga överstepräster,

Jesus har en gång för alla gått in i det allra heligaste, inte med bockars och kalvars blod, utan med sitt eget och genom detta felfria offer vann Han en evig återlösning. Han betalade priset för vår frihet in i ett nytt förbund och vi kan genom uppståndelsen få tjäna en LEVANDE Gud! Och det är Han som sitter på den himmelska tronen, i evigheters evighet. Detta kan vi behöva bli påminda om när klockorna ringer imorgon.
Gud välsignelse!

Från Elijah list, http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=11058 :

For several days now I have seen myriads of angels in the heavenlies standing in rows. "Myriads" is not a word I would use – it dropped into my spirit when I saw them. Myriad means "uncountable." Then I heard the sound of bells pealing over and over. Sometimes they got REALLY LOUD. At the same time I felt a strong sensing to clean the house and get rid of "stuff" I don't need. One time they were so LOUD I jumped up out of my chair and ran out of my office. Now, writing this, I smell the aroma of honey really strong (honey to enlighten the eyes and revelation).

Then I heard lots of people cheering and shouting. The only time I have heard bells like this is when there was a royal wedding or coronation. I couldn't quite figure it out. In one way I believe it's for everyone no matter where they are, but I suddenly felt impressed to ask people everywhere to pray for the UNITED KINGDOM

Bells to Ring for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee

Then someone emailed me and said, "It's the Queen's Diamond Jubilee on the 5th of June." Jubilee means "loud, joyful noise." So between the 2nd and 5th of June there are going to be lots of celebrations in UK. (photo courtesy direct.gov.uk)

My friend Beni Johnson said that God has been telling her things for a year about the bells. God told her, "The bells are going to ring again in England. Bells that have not been rung in years." Beni said, "The bells are going to ring again and call people to prayer and worship as they did before. The bells will cause a sound in the atmosphere and it will be a sign to the UK. A sign of change (look back at the meaning of 'peals') and bring a shift."

Please, wherever you are in the world, would you pray and ask your friends and your church to pray for the United Kingdom THIS WEEKEND – it's the beginning of the celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

There was a prophetic word given in 1930 that I believe is about to be released and the bells are going to proclaim and declare it (see below).

On Sunday, 3rd June, there is going to be a wonderful pageant. Eight brand new large bells have been made and will be placed on a "floating belfry" that will float down the River Thames from Battersea Bridge to Tower bridge. The bells barge will be followed by Queen Elizabeth's barge, "Gloriana" and then 1,000 other vessels. The bells on the lead barge will peal (see what "peal" means below) along the River Thames. Twelve churches will also ring out their bells at 3pm, followed by at least 2,000 other churches across the country. You are welcome to join in wherever you are (click here)."

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